reclaim your life

I can't believe this is happening again

Have you ever said that to yourself... "why's this happening again?"

Why do I keep attracting toxic partners?

The wrong kind of person?

Mean bosses?

Friends that end up making me feel like crap?

Money that keeps going out as soon as it comes?

Why is my life always so hard?

What do I keep struggling?

Why am I so unlucky?

I SO get it because I used to think a lot of those same things too and so many more. I bet you've read all the books, listened to the podcasts, watched the Ted talks and Youtube clips. You're doing the yoga and meditation. So, why do you keep experiencing the same old things over and over again?

Here's the deal.... until you uncover the old programming and beliefs that are living underneath the surface, in your subconscious mind, and do the work to reprogram them, you will continue to see the same patterns play out again and again in your life.

No matter how many books you read, podcasts you listen to, or Ted talks you watch, nothing will change until you start to dive deep and do the work.

Well, that's not totally true.... you will probably experience a little bit of a shift. At the beginning of my journey, when I finally hit a point where I knew something had to change because I was feeling so lost, so empty, when I had completely lost myself I began to explore in earnest yoga and meditation. I began reading all the books, and following some amazing spiritual teachers, and I did experience shifts. I did start to feel a little bit better. I started to feel a little bit lighter. I began to be able to respond to my circumstance better rather then always be in reaction. I began to decrease my anxiety and stress levels. And, all of those things were so amazing and an absolute shift in the right direction. But, I was still feeling lost. My relationship to my husband was still not great. I still didn't believe or see myself ever being able to do anything other then the administrative, low level jobs I had done. I was still searching for more meaning and purpose in my life. I was still searching for a deep, lasting joy.

Want to know why?

Here's why..... (there's 2 main parts to this answer)


No amount of reading, listening, and watching of spiritual truths will ever create the change you desire. You actually have to integrate and implement the teachings to see the differences. I spent a few too many years (I must confess) reading all of these books like novels, thinking, "yes, yes, this all makes sense. I totally believe this! I totally resonate with this!" And, then I would put the book down and do nothing about it. Sound familiar? If you want to experience positive shifts in your life you have to actually do the work!


Which brings me to the next point... as soon as I started doing the deep work, that's when my life began to really change. To really create changes in your life you have to start changing the subconscious beliefs that have been directing your life forever. This is the work!! And, it all starts with awareness. It all starts with paying attention to your thoughts. What are the stories that you tell yourself day in and day out? What are the beliefs that are running through your mind just below the surface all day long. 

Some of mine were, "I'm just not smart enough to be really successful. It's better to be practical and comfortable then to take risks and maybe fail. Money is hard and I've never made good money so I never will. Making friends is hard. I'm just not interesting enough or have enough to contribute to attract friends. I don't want to look stupid or be judged so I'd rather hangout in the background and not say much. If I speak up, I'll sound dumb. Life is hard. I should just be grateful for what I have. I'm selfish for wanting more. Settling is safe."

Any of those sound familiar? 

So, no wonder I was stuck in a job I hated, struggled to make friends that I felt really saw me or liked me, couldn't support myself financially, was quiet, unsatisfied, unhappy, and full of self-doubt and fear. But, when I started to look at those stories and create new empowering stories that's when my life really changed! That's when I took a huge risk and bet on me and left all the jobs and decided to be a coach (which was the best decision ever), that's when I began my self-love journey and started showing up in life as my real, authentic self and effortlessly attracted in the most amazing friends who really got me (duh, I was actually letting them see me), that's when I started to dream big and make the dreams a reality!

So, I'm willing to bet that you have your fair share of beliefs running the show of your life that are responsible for those same damn patterns showing up again an again.

If you're ready to create your best life now then I invite you to start getting really familiar with the stories or beliefs that have been steering the ship thus far. Take back your power. Let me share this really easy tip that I have all my clients do right away that will support you in uncovering these stories.

Set a timer on your phone for every hour or two. It can have a simple message like, "how am I feeling? What are my thoughts?"

And, just become the non judgmental observer. Practice noticing with so much love and compassion for yourself as you become witness to your stories. No need to add blame and judgment on top of it!

This is the first step, Awareness. You can't change what you're not aware of.

Gaining the awareness is key and once you're aware you get the awesome opportunity of releasing and creating new self-loving and empowering stories to replace those worn out ones (more on that step coming soon!). 

Let me know how this supports you. Comment below and tell what stories and beliefs are you ready to let go? ​

so much love to you,


​p.s. I have an exciting FREE offer that will support you in shifting 7 of the biggest blocks to your freedom.

Tapping into Freedom, is a FREE 7 day journey to radical self-love, acceptance, confidence, and your freedom.


Follow me on Instagram for weekly manifestation tips, inspiration, and a whole lotta love!

The journey from surviving to thriving

I was remembering recently how much my life has changed over the past few years.  I was remembering how only 5 years ago I felt so lost.  I felt like I had completely disappeared from my own life, like my life wasn't about me at all.  I was just going through the motions, settling for a "good enough" life while feeling totally unfulfilled and like a deep part of myself was missing.  I certainly wasn't really happy, although I of course had moments of happiness, I hadn't experienced true joy, deep internal joy for A LONG time.  I was desperately searching for my purpose, for more meaning, for answers of what was going to "fix" me or make me feel better.  And, I was so afraid I would never find it.  That I would always be living a "just okay" life, but with that feeling that something was missing, that my life was supposed to be so much bigger, and with a deep aching in my heart.

What I didn't know then, but I learned through this beautiful spiritual/Soul journey I have been on was that that aching in my heart was my Soul calling to me.  My highest Soul self was calling to be seen, to be witnessed, wanting to be heard, wanting to be remembered.

She was urging me to come home.  To remember my truth.  To remember who I really was.  Remember my own divine power and intelligence that lives within me. 

This beautiful journey back to myself is how I got to experience deep, lasting joy again.

Connecting to Source and my own light brought me meaning. 

Remembering that I am NOT a victim to my circumstances, but actually the divine, infinite co-creator of my life, returned me to my power.

Loving myself, remembering my inherent worthiness, and continuing to tune inwards rather then outwards, allowed me to reconnect to my own inner knowing and intuition.  

And, what I have come to understand to be true is that our purpose in this life is to embody love.  To remember our own divinity, to reconnect to Source and Divine Consciousness that lives within us and all around us, always supporting us and guiding us towards our highest good. 

Our purpose is to be the light, to embody love, and to help heal the collective by first healing and loving ourselves. 

What is more meaningful and purposeful then that?

Before I embarked on this path, I was basically a walking head.  Constantly overthinking, worrying, future tripping, doing what I was told, what I thought I was supposed to do, following all the rules, and I was empty, a shadow self, a sheep.

Through this beautiful journey I've come back into my body. I've opened my heart. I've nurtured a relationship to Self, to my Soul, to Source. 

And, when I started to honor me, my desires, my wants, me needs, my happiness, that's when I began to come back to life

When I I dove even deeper into the mindset work, energy work, deconstructing old programming and conditioning, releasing the stuck emotions and energy from my past, reconnecting to my truth and authenticity, and my own divine nature, that's when I began to thrive!

When I began to listen to and trust my own inner knowing, my intuition, my Soul wisdom, instead of what everyone else told me was right, true, responsible, attractive, the way it "should" be, my life became my own again.

I feel so much gratitude, joy, love, more confidence, more inner trust, strength, power, connection.  I feel alive again!  And, my life has far surpassed what I thought was ever possible for me!

That is the beauty of this work.  That is the beauty of remembrance and coming home to yourself.

If this resonates with you and you are feeling the call to rise up, if you are feeling the call of coming home to yourself, to releasing the fear, self-doubt, and smallness so that you can step into your next level self, your Soul self, and create a life you absolutely love, then I am here for you. 


That is why I created Her Life Reclaimed, my signature 1:1 program, to teach what I have done to transform my life.  It is an amazing program and I am so thrilled and honor to work with amazing women who are ready and motivated to up-level their life in the most beautiful and impactful way!  Just reply to this email for more information on Her Life Reclaimed, if you're interested!

And, you can jump start your journey right now by grabbing your free copy of the TOP 10 TIPS TO RECLAIM YOUR LIFE, HERE.

with so much love and light,



​It’s about time to kick the 'good girl' to the curb!

As women we have been conditioned from a very young age to be 'good girls'. And, being a “good girl” means you’re meek, quiet, reserved, polite, giving of yourself, you do what you’re told, you’re nice, selfless, and don’t take up too much space.

How dare the good girl be loud and bold.

How dare the good girl claim her desires and dreams with passion and enthusiasm.

How dare the good girl outshine anyone.

How dare the good girl put herself first.

Women, as a collective, have been shamed for far too long for pushing against the confines of the good girl box we have been shoved into for millennium.

And, it’s my mission to lead a revolution of women in taking back their power, reclaiming their lives, and unapologetically stepping into who they truly are with confidence.

It’s time to break out of the box!

So, Let me ask you…

If you weren’t afraid of what other people would think, say, or do what would you do?

How are you pleasing others and playing the role of 'good girl' in your life?

It’s time to let go of the forced confines of the “good girl” identity! It’s time to boldly let go of anyone else’s opinions, or what they might think or say about you and proudly own who you are and what you want from life!

So, if you’re ready here are 3 ways to kick the 'good girl' to the curb and take back your power!

Don’t Dim Your Light For Anyone

We tend to not want to shine too brightly in fear that we might make someone else feel bad. F that!  I actually did experience this in my own life when a friend became really uncomfortable with my personal growth and expansion and the fact that I was taking big actions towards my dreams. And, instead of shrinking back down to ease her discomfort,  I lovingly held space for her to share her feelings about it. I let her have her feelings without making it my responsibility to make her feel better. I didn’t allow myself to feel shame or guilt because my bigness was making her feel uncomfortable and here’s why. Because I was living big and taking huge leaps to follow my dreams and desires, I helped shine a light on her own complacency and dissatisfaction in her own life, and although that was uncomfortable for her, it also allowed her to see what was possible. It gave her permission and inspiration to make her own big changes, which she did! Had I shrunk down in order for her to not have to confront her own dissatisfaction it would have been a HUGE disservice to both of us.  

Own What You Want Loudly and Proudly

This is your one life in this human form! You came here to experience life to the fullest.  You came here to live big, feel tremendous joy, and create a beautiful life, so own it! I was talking to a woman today who’s a part of my monthly women’s group and she shared with me that she felt embarrassed in our last group when she spoke passionately about her biggest desire. She felt like it wasn’t okay to be proud or passionate about something.  It wasn’t okay to take up space in that way. Women are supposed to live quietly, satisfied with their lot in life, and tending to the needs of others. I call bs on all of that! Own what you want! Be an example to all the other women in the world who have desires, but are too afraid to speak them out loud. Let them see what is possible! You are worthy and deserving of all that you desire and it’s okay to have desires! It’s okay to be passionate about life and what you want. Own it!

No More People Pleasing

It’s time to stop taking care of everyone else’s needs, putting everyone else first, and god forbid we make someone upset with us or think badly about us for not doing what they want.  We’ve been so indoctrinated to please, please, please. But, if our cup isn’t full, how can we possibly serve those around us? What it will end up doing is breeding resentment and animosity for the people who seem to take, take, take. But, girl you have to stop giving, giving, giving.  Stop giving if it means sacrificing yourself and depleting yourself. And, understand, people pleasing really stems from a place of fear- fear of not being liked, fear of being judged, fear of being rejected. We are hardwired for connection and belonging, but it seems that somewhere along the way we have mistaken that by pleasing others it means we’ll be liked.  And, being liked isn’t the goal! Being liked doesn’t create connection and true belonging. Being seen does! And, if you’re a people pleaser you’re not truly being seen. 

I would love to hear from you, let me know how the 'good girl' shows up in your life? Tell me what you would do, if you weren't afraid of what other people would think, say, or feel about your deepest desires?​

with so much love to you,


Follow me on Instagram for weekly manifestation tips, inspiration, and a whole lotta love!

Join the private FB Group, Manifesting A Life You Love​